home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- ## Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com>
- ## Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009 Red Hat, Inc.
- ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- ## (at your option) any later version.
- ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ## GNU General Public License for more details.
- ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- ## Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- import cups
- cups.require ("1.9.42")
- import sys
- import statereason
- from statereason import StateReason
- from debug import *
- import pprint
- import dbus
- import dbus.glib
- import dbus.service
- import gobject
- import pynotify
- import time
- import locale
- import gettext
- from gettext import gettext as _
- DOMAIN="system-config-printer"
- gettext.textdomain (DOMAIN)
- statereason.set_gettext_function (_)
- try:
- locale.setlocale (locale.LC_ALL, "")
- except locale.Error, e:
- import os
- os.environ['LC_ALL'] = 'C'
- locale.setlocale (locale.LC_ALL, "")
- APPDIR="/usr/share/system-config-printer"
- DOMAIN="system-config-printer"
- ICON="printer"
- SEARCHING_ICON="document-print-preview"
- # We need to call pynotify.init before we can check the server for caps
- pynotify.init('System Config Printer Notification')
- ####
- #### NewPrinterNotification DBus server (the 'new' way).
- ####
- PDS_PATH="/com/redhat/NewPrinterNotification"
- PDS_IFACE="com.redhat.NewPrinterNotification"
- PDS_OBJ="com.redhat.NewPrinterNotification"
- class NewPrinterNotification(dbus.service.Object):
- def __init__ (self, bus):
- self.bus = bus
- self.getting_ready = 0
- bus_name = dbus.service.BusName (PDS_OBJ, bus=bus)
- dbus.service.Object.__init__ (self, bus_name, PDS_PATH)
- def wake_up (self):
- global waitloop, runloop, viewer
- import jobviewer
- if viewer == None:
- try:
- waitloop.quit ()
- except:
- pass
- runloop = gobject.MainLoop ()
- viewer = jobviewer.JobViewer(bus=bus, loop=runloop,
- service_running=service_running,
- trayicon=trayicon,
- suppress_icon_hide=True)
- @dbus.service.method(PDS_IFACE, in_signature='', out_signature='')
- def GetReady (self):
- self.wake_up ()
- if self.getting_ready == 0:
- viewer.set_special_statusicon (SEARCHING_ICON,
- tooltip=_("Configuring new printer"))
- self.getting_ready += 1
- gobject.timeout_add (60 * 1000, self.timeout_ready)
- def timeout_ready (self):
- global viewer
- if self.getting_ready > 0:
- self.getting_ready -= 1
- if self.getting_ready == 0:
- viewer.unset_special_statusicon ()
- return False
- @dbus.service.method(PDS_IFACE, in_signature='isssss', out_signature='')
- def NewPrinter (self, status, name, mfg, mdl, des, cmd):
- global viewer
- self.wake_up ()
- if name.find("/") >= 0:
- # name is a URI, no queue was generated, because no suitable
- # driver was found
- title = _("Missing printer driver")
- devid = "MFG:%s;MDL:%s;DES:%s;CMD:%s;" % (mfg, mdl, des, cmd)
- if (mfg and mdl) or des:
- if (mfg and mdl):
- device = "%s %s" % (mfg, mdl)
- else:
- device = des
- text = _("No printer driver for %s.") % device
- else:
- text = _("No driver for this printer.")
- n = pynotify.Notification (title, text, 'printer')
- if "actions" in pynotify.get_server_caps():
- n.set_urgency (pynotify.URGENCY_CRITICAL)
- n.add_action ("setup-printer", _("Search"),
- lambda x, y:
- self.setup_printer (x, y, name, devid))
- else:
- args = ["--setup-printer", name, "--devid", devid]
- self.run_config_tool (args)
- else:
- # name is the name of the queue which hal_lpadmin has set up
- # automatically.
- c = cups.Connection ()
- try:
- printer = c.getPrinters ()[name]
- except KeyError:
- return
- try:
- filename = c.getPPD (name)
- except cups.IPPError:
- return
- del c
- # Check for missing packages
- try:
- cups.ppdSetConformance (cups.PPD_CONFORM_RELAXED)
- except AttributeError:
- # Requires pycups 1.9.46
- pass
- ppd = cups.PPD (filename)
- import os
- os.unlink (filename)
- import sys
- sys.path.append (APPDIR)
- import cupshelpers
- (missing_pkgs,
- missing_exes) = cupshelpers.missingPackagesAndExecutables (ppd)
- from cupshelpers.ppds import ppdMakeModelSplit
- (make, model) = ppdMakeModelSplit (printer['printer-make-and-model'])
- driver = make + " " + model
- if status < self.STATUS_GENERIC_DRIVER:
- title = _("Printer added")
- else:
- title = _("Missing printer driver")
- if len (missing_pkgs) > 0:
- pkgs = reduce (lambda x,y: x + ", " + y, missing_pkgs)
- title = _("Install printer driver")
- text = _("`%s' requires driver installation: %s.") % (name, pkgs)
- n = pynotify.Notification (title, text)
- import installpackage
- if "actions" in pynotify.get_server_caps():
- try:
- self.packagekit = installpackage.PackageKit ()
- n.add_action ("install-driver", _("Install"),
- lambda x, y:
- self.install_driver (x, y,
- missing_pkgs))
- except:
- pass
- else:
- try:
- self.packagekit = installpackage.PackageKit ()
- self.packagekit.InstallPackageName (0, 0,
- missing_pkgs[0])
- except:
- pass
- elif status == self.STATUS_SUCCESS:
- devid = "MFG:%s;MDL:%s;DES:%s;CMD:%s;" % (mfg, mdl, des, cmd)
- text = _("`%s' is ready for printing.") % name
- n = pynotify.Notification (title, text)
- if "actions" in pynotify.get_server_caps():
- n.set_urgency (pynotify.URGENCY_NORMAL)
- n.add_action ("test-page", _("Print test page"),
- lambda x, y:
- self.print_test_page (x, y, name, devid))
- n.add_action ("configure", _("Configure"),
- lambda x, y: self.configure (x, y, name))
- else: # Model mismatch
- devid = "MFG:%s;MDL:%s;DES:%s;CMD:%s;" % (mfg, mdl, des, cmd)
- text = (_("`%s' has been added, using the `%s' driver.") %
- (name, driver))
- n = pynotify.Notification (title, text, 'printer')
- if "actions" in pynotify.get_server_caps():
- n.set_urgency (pynotify.URGENCY_CRITICAL)
- n.add_action ("test-page", _("Print test page"),
- lambda x, y:
- self.print_test_page (x, y, name, devid))
- n.add_action ("find-driver", _("Find driver"),
- lambda x, y:
- self.find_driver (x, y, name, devid))
- n.set_timeout (pynotify.EXPIRES_NEVER)
- else:
- self.run_config_tool (["--configure-printer",
- name, "--no-focus-on-map"])
- viewer.notify_new_printer (name, n)
- # Set the icon back how it was.
- self.timeout_ready ()
- def run_config_tool (self, argv):
- import os
- pid = os.fork ()
- if pid == 0:
- # Child.
- cmd = "/usr/bin/system-config-printer"
- argv.insert (0, cmd)
- os.execvp (cmd, argv)
- sys.exit (1)
- elif pid == -1:
- print "Error forking process"
- else:
- gobject.timeout_add (60 * 1000, self.collect_exit_code, pid)
- def print_test_page (self, notification, action, name, devid = ""):
- args = ["--print-test-page", name]
- if devid != "":
- args.extend (["--devid", devid])
- self.run_config_tool (args)
- def configure (self, notification, action, name):
- self.run_config_tool (["--configure-printer", name])
- def find_driver (self, notification, action, name, devid = ""):
- args = ["--choose-driver", name]
- if devid != "": args = args + ["--devid", devid]
- self.run_config_tool (args)
- def setup_printer (self, notification, action, uri, devid = ""):
- args = ["--setup-printer", uri]
- if devid != "": args = args + ["--devid", devid]
- self.run_config_tool (args)
- def install_driver (self, notification, action, missing_pkgs):
- try:
- self.packagekit.InstallPackageName (0, 0, missing_pkgs[0])
- except:
- pass
- def collect_exit_code (self, pid):
- # We do this with timers instead of signals because we already
- # have gobject imported, but don't (yet) import signal;
- # let's try not to inflate the process size.
- import os
- try:
- print "Waiting for child %d" % pid
- (pid, status) = os.waitpid (pid, os.WNOHANG)
- if pid == 0:
- # Run this timer again.
- return True
- except OSError:
- pass
- return False
- PROGRAM_NAME="system-config-printer-applet"
- def show_help ():
- print "usage: %s [--no-tray-icon]" % PROGRAM_NAME
- def show_version ():
- import config
- print "%s %s" % (PROGRAM_NAME, config.VERSION)
- ####
- #### Main program entry
- ####
- global waitloop, runloop, viewer
- trayicon = True
- service_running = False
- waitloop = runloop = None
- viewer = None
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- import sys, getopt
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt (sys.argv[1:], '',
- ['no-tray-icon',
- 'debug',
- 'help',
- 'version'])
- except getopt.GetoptError:
- show_help ()
- sys.exit (1)
- for opt, optarg in opts:
- if opt == "--help":
- show_help ()
- sys.exit (0)
- if opt == "--version":
- show_version ()
- sys.exit (0)
- if opt == "--no-tray-icon":
- trayicon = False
- elif opt == "--debug":
- set_debugging (True)
- # Must be done before connecting to D-Bus (for some reason).
- if not pynotify.init (PROGRAM_NAME):
- try:
- print >> sys.stderr, ("%s: unable to initialize pynotify" %
- except:
- pass
- if trayicon:
- # Stop running when the session ends.
- def monitor_session (*args):
- pass
- try:
- bus = dbus.SessionBus()
- bus.add_signal_receiver (monitor_session)
- except:
- try:
- print >> sys.stderr, ("%s: failed to connect to "
- "session D-Bus" % PROGRAM_NAME)
- finally:
- sys.exit (1)
- try:
- bus = dbus.SystemBus()
- except:
- try:
- print >> sys.stderr, ("%s: failed to connect to system D-Bus" %
- finally:
- sys.exit (1)
- if trayicon:
- try:
- NewPrinterNotification(bus)
- service_running = True
- except:
- try:
- print >> sys.stderr, ("%s: failed to start "
- "NewPrinterNotification service" %
- except:
- pass
- if trayicon and get_debugging () == False:
- # Start off just waiting for print jobs.
- def any_jobs ():
- try:
- c = cups.Connection ()
- jobs = c.getJobs (my_jobs=True, limit=1)
- if len (jobs):
- return True
- except:
- pass
- return False
- if not any_jobs ():
- ###
- class WaitForJobs:
- DBUS_PATH="/com/redhat/PrinterSpooler"
- DBUS_IFACE="com.redhat.PrinterSpooler"
- def __init__ (self, bus, waitloop):
- self.bus = bus
- self.waitloop = waitloop
- self.timer = None
- bus.add_signal_receiver (self.handle_dbus_signal,
- path=self.DBUS_PATH,
- dbus_interface=self.DBUS_IFACE)
- def __del__ (self):
- bus = self.bus
- bus.remove_signal_receiver (self.handle_dbus_signal,
- path=self.DBUS_PATH,
- dbus_interface=self.DBUS_IFACE)
- if self.timer:
- gobject.source_remove (self.timer)
- def handle_dbus_signal (self, *args):
- if self.timer:
- gobject.source_remove (self.timer)
- self.timer = gobject.timeout_add (200, self.check_for_jobs)
- def check_for_jobs (self, *args):
- debugprint ("checking for jobs")
- if any_jobs ():
- gobject.source_remove (self.timer)
- self.waitloop.quit ()
- # Don't run this timer again.
- return False
- ###
- waitloop = gobject.MainLoop ()
- jobwaiter = WaitForJobs(bus, waitloop)
- waitloop.run()
- del jobwaiter
- waitloop = None
- if viewer == None:
- import jobviewer
- import gtk
- runloop = gobject.MainLoop ()
- gtk.window_set_default_icon_name ('printer')
- viewer = jobviewer.JobViewer(bus=bus, loop=runloop,
- service_running=service_running,
- trayicon=trayicon)
- try:
- runloop.run()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
- viewer.cleanup ()